Feasibility Studies and Conceptual Design
Civil and Structural Engineering
Roadway Engineering
Bridge and Retaining Wall Design
Hydrology and Hydraulics Design
Storm Drain and Culvert Design
SWPPP and Erosion Control Design
Water and Wastewater Design
Utility Design and Coordination
Traffic Signing and Striping Design
3D Modeling
Public Engagement Planning
Project Branding
Focus Groups
Stakeholder Meetings and Interviews
Public Meetings
Public Hearings
Open Houses
Community Events
Pop-Up Engagement
Online Interactive Engagement
Social Media Campaigns
Development of Exhibits and Collateral
Reporting and Measurement

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
Endangered Species Act (ESA) Compliance
Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
Biological Assessments and Evaluations
Clean Water Act (CWA) and USACE 404 Permitting
Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Studies
Aquatic Habitat and Riverine Restoration
Categorical Exclusions, Environmental Assessments, and EIS Documentation
Regulatory Provisions Checklists for Non-Federally Funded Projects
Boundary Surveys
Alta/ACSM Land Title Surveys
Site Partition/Platting
Aerial Imaging
LiDAR Surveys
Flight Path Surveys
Transportation Right-of-Way Surveys
Preparation of Easements and Parcels
Legal Descriptions
Construction Layout/Staking Services
Quantity Surveys
GPS/UAV Field Data Collection and Post-Processing
GIS/UAV Imaging
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Web Mapping
Database Development
Web Application Development
Spatial Analysis and 3D Modeling